
Ted Williams Archive

Articles From 2009

Fly Rod & Reel,   Jan./Feb. 2009
Apaches, greenbacks, westslope cuts, and other salmonid successes.
High Country News,   January 2009
Audubon,   Jan./Feb. 2009
When the Clinton administration implemented its Northwest Forest Plan, the environmental community and the press, assuming the northern spotted owl had been saved, moved on to other issues. Now the owls are telling a different story. It’s not too late to save them from oblivion, but it will require a dramatic shift in strategy.
Audubon,   Jan./Feb. 2009
Fly Rod & Reel,   Oct./Nov. 2009
The East’s best trout country is facing slap-dash gas development.
Audubon,   Nov./Dec. 2009
Prairie dogs have been eliminated from more than 95 percent of their grassland habitat. And now they, and the vast and complicated ecosystems they sustain, face a new and deadly threat.
Audubon,   Nov./Dec. 2009
Fly Rod & Reel,   March 2009
What gives with a proposed historic dam in Maine?
Audubon,   Mar./Apr. 2009
Audubon,   Mar./Apr. 2009
Americans haven’t figured out that pollution control is an expensive investment that prevents far greater expense. And with the fish, wildlife, recreational and health benefits that come with pollution control, it provides a huge return to society. We all want clean water but apparently not enough to pay for it.
Audubon,   May/June 2009
Hawaiian wildlife managers may have as little as four years to rescue a beautiful bird from an alien-infested hell.
Audubon,   May/June 2009
Fly Rod & Reel,   June 2009
Fly Rod & Reel,   July 2009
We should heed the warning signs about striped-bass declines.
Audubon,   July/Aug. 2009
Sarah Palin’s war on wolves and bears has been a disaster not just for Alaska but for the moose and caribou it is supposed to benefit.
Audubon,   July/Aug. 2009
Audubon,   Sept./Oct. 2009
Audubon,   Sept./Oct. 2009
With something like 150 million free-ranging house cats wreaking havoc on our wildlife, the last thing we need is Americans sustaining them in the wild.


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