Fly Rod & Reel, Jan./Feb. 2004
Nothing Like This Has Ever Been Attempted Anywhere
Audubon, Jan./Mar. 2004
In its haste to indulge energy companies, the White House is sacrificing fish, wildlife, and the ranchers of the Rocky Mountain West.
Audubon, Nov./Dec. 2004
Audubon, Nov./Dec. 2004
Looking back at how much we've achieved over the past few decades, one of the nation's most seasoned and respected environmental writers explains why he's optimistic about our future—and the earth's.
Fly Rod & Reel, Nov./Dec. 2004
Suddenly the feds can't tell wild salmonids from obese, stump-finned hatchery clones
Fly Rod & Reel, March 2004
Why we should be upset over the Bush Administration's gutting of the Clean Air Act
Blackstone Daily, March 2004
Fly Rod & Reel, April 2004
Knee-jerk environmentalism is endangering many of our vanishing species
Audubon, Apr./June 2004
Blackstone Daily, May 2004