Fly Rod & Reel, March 2002
The truth is, we're killing them as soon as they hit legal size
Fly Rod & Reel, April 2002
It's about rebirth, not destruction.
Audubon, May/June 2002
Blue Ridge Press, May 2002
Audubon, May/June 2002
Armed with media reports that state and federal scientists tried to lock up public land by "falsifying" lynx data, conservative politicians are lashing out at the Endangered Species Act. They angrily proclaim that there has been "unethical behavior" and "malicious activities." They're right.
Fly Rod & Reel, June 2002
The hardest part of restoring endangered fish is getting the permit.
Audubon, July/Sept. 2002
Fly Rod & Reel, July/Oct. 2002
Why anglers, hunters and environmentalists need to join forces.
Blue Ridge Press, August 2002
Mother Jones, September 2002
If the Bush Administration gets its way, roads will be slashed through the Tongass, the largest intact temperate rain forest on earth.