
My Beautiful Orchid

The collision of China’s One-Child policy with tradition and economic change has produced a wave of “missing” children—nearly all of girls. One of these girls changed my life.

Tien, H. Y. and Zhang T, Ping Y, Li J., Liang Z. 1992. China's Demographic Dilemmas. Population Bulletin, 47 (1). Population Reference Bureau, Inc. Washington, D.C.

UNICEF Online. 2005. Information by Country. Available online at Accessed Jan. 8, 2006.

Wang, J. 1990. Women’s Preference for Children in Shifang County, Sichuan, China. Asian and Pacific Population forum, 4 (3). Fall 1990.

Wongboonsin, K. and V.P. Ruffolo. 1993. " The Future of Thailand's Population Policy: Potential Directions." Asia-Pacific Population Journal, 8, No. 3. pp. 3-18.


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