
My Beautiful Orchid

The collision of China’s One-Child policy with tradition and economic change has produced a wave of “missing” children—nearly all of girls. One of these girls changed my life.
The inconsistencies are not lost on the non-Christian public. A bumper sticker I saw recently asked, "What Would Jesus Bomb?"—a question that is both humorous and disturbingly relevant. Of course, Christians who embrace these values have a long list of ready answers for their critics—“nothing in the Bible says I can't have wealth as long as I'm 'responsible' with it…"; "sometimes war is necessary to rid the world of 'evildoers'…"; and so on. While these arguments are not without their merits they were not preached or practiced by Jesus, the apostles, or the early church despite persecution and social injustice even worse than today’s. Their unquestioned acceptance among large sectors of the Evangelical community is difficult to explain as being anything other than a cultural contamination of biblical principles.


Banister, J. 1991. China’s Population Changes and the economy. In China’s Economic Dilemmas in the 1990’s: The Problems of Reforms, Modernization, and Interdependence. Study Papers, Joint economic Committee, Congress of the United States (Washington DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1991), 1: 239.

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). 1998. World Factbook – 1998. CIA Online. Available online at Accessed Jan. 8, 2006.

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). 2002. World Factbook – 2002. CIA Online. Available online at Accessed Jan. 8, 2006.

Christophe Z.G. and S.I. Rajan. 2002. “District Level Estimates of Fertility for India’s 2001 Census.” Economic and Political Weekly, February 16, 2002.

Eberstadt, N. 2004. " Power and Population in Asia." Policy Review Online, February 2004. Available online at Accessed Jan. 8, 2006.

Foreign Broadcast Information Service: China (FBIS-China). 1986. U.S. Government. June 5, 1986. Pg. 2.

Friedman, E., M. Selden, P. Pickowicz, and K. Johnson. Chinese Village, Socialist State.  New Haven: Yale University Press. 1991. ISBN 0300054289. Available online at

Greenhalgh, S.  1993.  The Peasantization of the One-Child Policy in Shaanxi.  In Chinese Families in the Post-Mao era. Edited by D. Davis and S. Harrell. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press. 1993. ISBN 0520082222. Available online at


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