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My Dogma Ran Over My Karma

Five conversation-stopping myths behind the New Atheism and how dialogue can be restored.
Oct. 1, 2014
  • Adopt Stephen’s tentative stance with an open mind and provide equivalent or better standards of proof that would convince him.
  • Provide a more compelling terrestrial explanation and further evidence supporting it.
  • These are the only rational options he has. Defending his current position with nothing more than a rejection of Thomas’ evidence is merely an attempt to shoplift the credibility of Stephen’s neutrality without having to earn his own by demonstrating something better. If he cannot, or will not do better than that, “No evidence! No evidence…!” is just the noises he’s making in the presence of arguments he can’t credibly address.


    In his review of its relationship to science and theology, cosmologist George Ellis (2010) has identified the following key characteristics of Fundamentalism;

    1. A tendency to arrogance.
    2. Looking down on the outside world.
    3. Believing your specialty is all that matters.
    4. Believing you have sole access to truth.
    5. Overall: a lack of a holistic worldview.


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