Getting Over It & Getting On With It
On citizenship, discipleship, & refusing to be gaslit.
Jan. 18, 2017
For Show and Tell part 2, here's a small sample of our president-elect's track record so far. Among so many other things, to date he has;
- Bragged about "[grabbing women] by the p***y. "When you're a star they let you do that...!"
- Bragged about trying to bed a married woman...
- Openly, and viciously attacked women with racial slurs and denigrated their appearance and bodies...
- Publicly made fun of a disabled person (BBC, 2015; Snopes, 2016)...
- In word and deed, inspired the Klu Klux Clan, David Duke, and white supremacists to endorse him...
- Appointed a known white supremacist as his chief of staff, and other known racists and architects of anti-civil rights laws to key cabinet posts....
- Called for an "open arms race" with other nuclear nations...
- Tweeted that we should let the People's Republic of China just keep a U.S. Navy UUV drone they illegally seized... "We should tell China that we don't want the drone they stole back. - let them keep it!" ["Yeah, that's right! Let 'em keep that state-of-the-art U.S. UUV technology! Let 'em reverse-engineer it! THAT'll show 'em...!"]
- Spent more time beating his chest on Twitter than he has in security briefings...