
Racial Profiling and History Tests

April 2005

A few weeks ago I received a chain email. One of many such that regularly find their way to my Inbox from concerned citizens and community leaders who feel compelled to share a revelation they believe is necessary to the very survival of all that's decent in the world but that the rest of us are somehow too blind to see. In the bloody aftermath of 9/11 there has been no shortage of commentary ricocheting around the web alerting us to the clear and present danger we face from Islamic terrorists.... and of course anyone who even vaguely resembles them in speech, skin tone, religion, or even opinion. In this case, the author used a rather imaginative vehicle to make the point—a history test (attached below as Exhibit A).

After taking the test, I was pleased to find that I did well (I think). In fact, the novelty of using such a test to reveal truth impressed me so much that I decided to put together a little history test of my own. Here goes....

Scott’s History Test

  1. At 9:00 AM Central Time on April 19, 1995 the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City was blown up by a 4000 lb fertilizer bomb killing 168 people and wounding more than 500. The bomb went off directly beneath a Day Care Center. This act was perpetrated by which of the following,
    1. Mother Teresa
    2. Jay Leno
    3. Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40
    4. Ultra-conservative Christian male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40
  2. On July 27, 1996 a bomb was detonated at the Centennial Olympic Park in Atlanta killing two people and wounding over 100 others. This act was perpetrated by which of the following,
    1. John Kerry
    2. Paul McCartney
    3. Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40
    4. An ultra-conservative Christian male extremist between the ages of 17 and 40
  3. On Jan. 29, 1998 the New Woman Health Care Clinic in Birmingham was bombed killing a Burmingham police officer and critically injuring a nurse. This act was perpetrated by which of the following,
    1. Madonna
    2. Al Sharpton
    3. Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40
    4. An ultra-conservative Christian male extremist between the ages of 17 and 40
  4. On June 18, 1984 radio talk show host Alan Berg was cut to ribbons by automatic weapons fire in front of his home in Boulder, Colorado. This act was perpetrated by which of the following,
    1. George W. Bush
    2. William Jefferson Clinton
    3. Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40
    4. Ultra-conservative Christian male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40
  5. In 16th century Switzerland a young boy was publicly beheaded for hitting his mother during an argument. This act was ordered by,


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