
Florida 2000 and Washington 2004

A Study of Two Elections

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Morin, R.   2003.   Scholar Invents Fan To Answer His Critics.   Washington Post, February 1, 2003. Available online at Accessed August 21, 2005.

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Nation.   2001.   Absentee Vote Did It for Bush! Say "Thanks Little Bro".   The Nation, July 15, 2001. Available online at Accessed May 25, 2005.

National Association for the Advancement of Colored people (NAACP).   2001.   NAACP Files Florida Voting Rights Lawsuit.   NAACP Online, Press Release. January 5, 2001. Available online at Accessed June 26, 2005.

National Association for the Advancement of Colored people (NAACP).   2002.   Settlement Reached In Florida Election Lawsuit.   NAACP Online, Press Release. September 3, 2002. Available online at Accessed May 15, 2005.

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Nickens, T.   2001.   Lost Votes - Recount Bush: Bush would have won by 493 votes if Supreme Court hadn't intervened. More Floridians wanted Gore, but thousands botched their ballots.   St. Petersburg Times, November 12, 2001. Available online at Accessed May 9, 2005.

Noe, C.   2000.   Comment: Are Democrats Too Stupid to Vote?   Newsmax, November 10, 2000. Available online at Accessed June 21, 2005.

Orzag, P. and J. Orzag.   2000.   Statistical Analysis of Palm Beach Vote.   Sebago Associates, November 8, 2000. Available online at Accessed May 9, 2005.

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Orzag, P. and J. Orzag.   2000c.   Analysis of Votes for Buchanan by Precinct Within Palm Beach and Broward Counties.   Sebago Associates, November 2000. Available online at Accessed May 9, 2005.

Osunami, S. and B. Redecker.   2000.   Vocal Support., November 26, 2000.

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