Climate Change & Tropospheric Temperature Trends
Part I: What do we know today and where is it taking us?
SPARC-STTA - Stratospheric Processes and their Role in Climate - Stratospheric Temperature Trends Assessment Program.
SST - Sea Surface Temperature.
SSU - Stratospheric Sounding Unit.
TOA - Top of Atmosphere.
TIROS - Television Infrared Observation Satellite.
TIROS-ATN - Advanced Television Infrared Observation Satellite.
TOVS - TIROS Operational Vertical Sounder.
TT - Tett and Thorne.
UAH - University of Alabama, Huntsville, AB.
UCAR - University Corporation for Atmospheric Research. Boulder, CO.
UKMO - The U.K. Met. Office. Exeter and London, U.K.
VG - Vinnikov and Grody.
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