
Climate Change & Tropospheric Temperature Trends

Part I: What do we know today and where is it taking us?

MSU2LT   -   Microwave Sounding Unit Channel 2 – Lower Troposphere.

MSU2MT   -   Microwave Sounding Unit Channel 2 – Middle Troposphere.

MSU2RT   -   Microwave Sounding Unit Channel 2 – Lower Troposphere (UAH Version B).

MSUTLT   -   MSU Channel 2/AMSU Channel 5 – Lower Troposphere.

MSUTMT   -   MSU Channel 2/AMSU Channel 5 – Middle Troposphere.

MSUTST   -   MSU Channel 4/AMSU Channel 9 – Lower Stratosphere.

NAO   -   North Atlantic Oscillation.

NASA   -   National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

NCAR   -   National Center for Atmospheric Research. Boulder, CO.

NCDC   -   National Climatic Data Center. NOAA.

NCEP   -   National Centers for Environmental Prediction.

NCPPR   -   National Center for Public Policy Research.

NOAA   -   National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration.

NRC   -   National Research Council. National Academy of Sciences, Washington D.C.

PDO   -   Pacific Decadal Oscillation.

POES   -   Polar Orbiting Environmental Satellite.

PRT   -   Platinum Resistance Thermocouple.

PR   -   Prabhakara et al.

QBI   -   Quasi Biennial Oscillation Index.

RMS   -   Root Mean Square.

RAOB   -   RAwinsonde OBservation.

RATPAC   -   Radiosonde Atmospheric Temperature Products for Assessing Climate.

RSS   -   Remote Sensing Systems. Santa Rosa, CA.

SEPP   -   The Science and Environmental Policy Project.

SOI   -   Southern Oscillation Index.


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