Climate Change & Tropospheric Temperature Trends
Part II: A Critical Examination of Skeptic Claims
MSUTST - MSU Channel 4/AMSU Channel 9 – Lower Stratosphere.
NAO - North Atlantic Oscillation.
NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
NCAR - National Center for Atmospheric Research. Boulder, CO.
NCDC - National Climatic Data Center. NOAA.
NCEP - National Centers for Environmental Prediction.
NCPPR - National Center for Public Policy Research.
NOAA - National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration.
NRC - National Research Council. National Academy of Sciences, Washington D.C.
PDO - Pacific Decadal Oscillation.
POES - Polar Orbiting Environmental Satellite.
PRT - Platinum Resistance Thermocouple.
PR - Prabhakara et al.
QBI - Quasi Biennial Oscillation Index.
RMS - Root Mean Square.
RAOB - RAwinsonde OBservation.
RATPAC - Radiosonde Atmospheric Temperature Products for Assessing Climate.
RSS - Remote Sensing Systems. Santa Rosa, CA.
SEPP - The Science and Environmental Policy Project.
SOI - Southern Oscillation Index.
SPARC-STTA - Stratospheric Processes and their Role in Climate - Stratospheric Temperature Trends Assessment Program.
SST - Sea Surface Temperature.
SSU - Stratospheric Sounding Unit.
TOA - Top of Atmosphere.
TIROS - Television Infrared Observation Satellite.