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Does Sweden have an immigrant rape crisis?

Mar. 17, 2017
"The high level of relative risk noted among North Africans does not however mean that persons from North Africa are responsible for a large proportion of the offences that are linked to crime suspects in Sweden. On the contrary they account for a very small proportion of these offences. The groups that dominate in this regard are those from the Nordic countries." (My emphasis)

In other words, the bulk of Sweden's immigrant "rape crisis" is due to Scandinavians, not dark-skinned people from Muslim-majority countries!

When demographic, socio-economic, and other factors are properly accounted for, the relationships between their crime statistics by race and/or immigrant status are no different than what one would find in poor minority communities in America. Yet again, there's nothing here but reptile-brain, xenophobic agitprop. No meaningful relationship of any kind whatsoever exists between being a Muslim immigrant and being a low-life scumbag.

It's depressing, and alarming to think that that so many otherwise decent human beings can be so fear-driven and hungry for an excuse to hate dark-skinned people with different beliefs, that they'll devour any vicious, incompetently researched rumor fed to them about those folks... without so much as 30 seconds of the due diligence they would demand if they were slandered strangers in a foreign land.


Aftonbladet. 2017. "After Trump's "Last night in Sweden": Here are the errors in Fox News' report on Swedish immigration." Aftonbladet Feb. 19, 2017. Available online at Accessed Mar. 3, 2017.

Alexander, R. 2012. "Sweden's rape rate under the spotlight." BBC News Sept. 15, 2012. Available online at Accessed Mar. 8, 2017.

Chan, S. 2017. ""Last Night in Sweden"? Trump's Remark Baffles a Nation." New York Times Feb. 19, 2017. Available online at Accessed Mar. 3, 2017.

Craig, D. 2017. "Will Canada Become The Next Sweden Horror?" Red Flag News Available online at Accessed Mar. 2, 2017.

Drum, K. 2017. "We Should Practice Truth in Statistics, Even When It Hurts." Mother Jones Feb. 17, 2017. Available online at Accessed Mar. 12, 2017.


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